How I Learned the Value of Patience from My Child: A Personal Account

As a parent, I have learned many valuable lessons from my child. One of the most important lessons has been the value of patience. Before becoming a parent, I thought I was a patient person, but it was not until I had a child that I truly understood the meaning of patience.

My child has taught me that patience is not just about waiting for something to happen, but it is also about being present in the moment and enjoying the journey. As a parent, I have learned to slow down and appreciate the small moments in life, such as watching my child take their first steps or hearing them say their first words. These moments may seem insignificant, but they are the ones that make life worth living.

Through my experiences as a parent, I have also learned that patience is a skill that can be developed and improved over time. It takes practice and perseverance to become a patient person, but the rewards are immeasurable. Learning to be patient has helped me to become a better parent, partner, and friend, and has brought more joy and fulfillment into my life.

The Unexpected Teacher

As a parent, I always knew that I would be the one teaching my child important life skills. However, I never expected that my child would become my teacher and teach me the value of patience.

The Arrival of My Child

When my son James was born, I was ecstatic. However, I was also overwhelmed and anxious about being a new parent. I wanted to be the best parent I could be, but I was struggling to adjust to the new routine and the constant demands of a newborn.

It was during this time that I realized how impatient and self centered I was. I would get frustrated easily when James wouldn’t stop crying or when he wouldn’t sleep through the night. I realized that my impatience was affecting my relationship with my child and I knew that I needed to make a change, but was unsure how to go about it.

Observing My Child’s Behavior

One day, while I was watching my son play, I noticed something interesting. While trying to build a castle out of Magnatiles, he was completely engrossed in the activity, taking his time to explore and learn. He wasn’t rushing or getting frustrated when things didn’t go his way, or when the castle fell apart as he built it.  He was patient and persistent, trying again and again until he succeeded.  You see, children can be very patient as everything is a new experience for them.

I realized that my child was teaching me an important lesson about patience. I started to pay closer attention to his behavior and I learned so much from him. I learned to slow down and enjoy the moment, to be patient and persistent, and to not get frustrated when things didn’t go as planned.  Now, this hasn’t always been easy to do, but it is a conscious choice that I have to make everyday.  Like learning to ride a bike, learning to live with patience takes practice, and won’t happen overnight.

Becoming a parent has taught me many things, but the most unexpected lesson I learned was the value of patience. My child became my teacher and showed me the importance of being patient and persistent. I am grateful for this lesson and I will continue to learn from my son every day.

Lessons in Patience

As a parent, I have learned that patience is a virtue that is often difficult to master. However, my child has taught me some valuable lessons in patience that have helped me become a better parent and a better person in general.

The Art of Waiting

One of the most important lessons my child has taught me is the art of waiting. Children have a natural tendency to be impatient, but my child has shown me that waiting can be a positive experience. By waiting patiently for things like a favorite toy or a special treat, my child has learned the value of delayed gratification. This has helped my child develop a sense of self-control and discipline that will serve them well in the future.

Patience in Problem Solving

Another lesson my child has taught me is the importance of patience in problem-solving. Children often become frustrated when they encounter a problem they can’t solve right away. However, my child has shown me that taking a step back and approaching the problem with patience and a clear mind can lead to better solutions. By encouraging my child to take their time and think through problems, I have seen them become more confident and capable problem solvers.

Overall, I have learned that patience is a skill that can be developed with practice. By following the examples set by my child, I have become more patient and better equipped to handle the challenges of parenting and life in general.

Applying Patience to My Life

Becoming a parent has taught me the importance of patience. As a result, I have started to apply this valuable life skill to other areas of my life. Here are some ways I have been able to implement patience in my everyday life:

Patience at Work

In the past, I used to get frustrated easily when things didn’t go my way at work. I would often get stressed out and let my emotions get the best of me. However, since becoming a parent, I have learned to take a step back and approach problems with a more level-headed attitude.

Now, when I encounter a challenge at work, I take a deep breath and remind myself that things will work out in the end. I have also learned to break down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps, which helps me stay focused and motivated.  I remember the old proverb, “How does one eat an elephant?  One bite at at time.”

Patience in Relationships

Another area where I have been able to apply patience is in my relationships. Whether it’s with my spouse, family, or friends, I have learned to be more understanding and empathetic towards others.

For example, when my spouse and I have a disagreement, I have learned to take a step back and listen to their perspective. I have also learned to communicate my own thoughts and feelings in a calm and respectful manner.  Often emotion dictates the tone we take with those we disagree with, which can itself be an obstacle to communicating.  Staying calm and even-keeled has allowed me to navigate disagreements and arguments much more successfully than in the past.

In addition, I have found that practicing patience has helped me become a better listener. By taking the time to really listen to others, I am able to understand their needs and concerns, and work towards finding a solution that works for everyone.

Overall, applying patience to my life has helped me become a more well-rounded and balanced individual. By taking a step back and approaching problems with a calm and level-headed attitude, I have been able to achieve greater success in both my personal and professional life.

The Ripple Effect of Patience

As a parent, I have learned that patience is a valuable skill that has a ripple effect on both my family life and personal growth. Here are some ways that patience impacts our lives:

Influence on Family Life

When I practice patience with my child, it creates a positive and peaceful environment in our home. It also sets an example for my child to follow. Children learn by observing their parents, and when they see us practicing patience, they are more likely to do the same. This leads to less conflict and a more harmonious family dynamic.

Additionally, patience helps me to better understand and communicate with my child. When I take the time to listen and be patient, I am able to see things from my child’s perspective. This allows me to respond more effectively to their needs and concerns.  I have found that this has been helpful to my son in developing speech and reading skills too.

Impact on Personal Growth

Practicing patience has also had a positive impact on my personal growth. It has taught me to slow down and be present in the moment. When I am patient, I am able to take a step back and assess situations more objectively. This has helped me to become more mindful and less reactive in my daily life.

Furthermore, patience has taught me the value of perseverance. When I am patient, I am able to stick with difficult tasks and see them through to completion. This has helped me to develop a stronger work ethic and achieve my goals.

Overall, the ripple effect of patience is far-reaching. It not only benefits our family life but also has a positive impact on our personal growth. By practicing patience, we can create a more peaceful and fulfilling life for ourselves and those around us.


In conclusion, my child has taught me the value of patience in many ways. By observing my child’s behavior and reactions, I have learned to be more patient and understanding. I have realized that patience is not just a virtue but a valuable life skill that can help us in every aspect of our lives.

Through my child’s tantrums, I have learned to remain calm and composed in stressful situations. I have learned that losing my temper only makes the situation worse and that it is better to take a step back and approach the problem with a clear mind.

I have also learned that patience is not just about waiting for something to happen, but it is about actively working towards a goal without losing hope or getting discouraged. My child’s determination to learn new things and master new skills has inspired me to be more patient and persistent in achieving my goals.

Overall, I am grateful for the lessons that my child has taught me about patience. I believe that these lessons will continue to help me in my personal and professional life, and I hope to pass them on to my child and others.

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Jay Scott is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur who enjoys a good story! Stories that help us understand the human condition are at the heart of what he likes to explore and write about. Jay lives in Texas with his wife and two children.

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